Street to Street Mentorship
Leading by Example and trusting in someone who been where
your heading
Over 30 years of Experience
Street to Street Mentorship Mission
Street Counsel is a Civil Rights Litigator, Published Author of Case Law, Community Activist, Freedom Fighter, Agitator, Prison & legal expert and exposer of human oppression.
Street to Street Mentorship is a psychotherapy education non-profit and youth mentoring program that applies a hands on approach to addressing youth issues. It also serves a teacher, sponsor, advisor, agent, role model, coach, and confidante in which the mentor customize its role to match the characteristics of the fellow youth.
Panel Disussion
A discussion with Senator Lesniak and others on Parole and the impact it has on the elders
Former Member of Newark Anti Violence coalition
On the front lines over 10 years with the Newark Anti Violence Coalition
New Jersey largest City issuing Resolution Commending Street Counsel for his outstanding Criminal Justice work and being the Founder of the Newark Community Street Team
Community Initiative
At a food drive with one of the original Team Members of Newark Community Street Team
Contact streettostreetmentorship@gmail.com to get more information on our mentorship program